“She has a reputation. She’s a player, Emily.” She sounded sincere, but still I was having a hard time processing everything she was telling me.
“Well, I don’t think that applies. We aren’t really…a thing.” That sentence hurt coming out of my mouth. It hurt.
“That doesn’t necessarily matter. I’ve seen her break girls’ hearts when they weren’t ‘a thing’ before.” She glanced over my shoulder to one of her friends. “Look, I gotta go. Just think about what I said, okay?” She didn’t wait for my response. She just jumped up and bam, she was gone.
I stared down at my paper cup of Gatorade. Suddenly, I wasn’t thirsty anymore. Why would Rachel tell me that if Charlie was her best friend? Was Charlie that bad? Had she hurt that many girls? Was Rachel jealous of our thing? Maybe I should have trusted my gut when I thought she was going to be bad news for me.