Chapter 2

“And they will agree to cover for you, will they?”

“Cover for what?” Spyros shook his head. “I’m not the killer, Sergeant. Why would I want to kill the girls who flirt with me while I’m working? They flirt with me, with the assistant manager, the doormen. When alcohol starts flowing, everyone looks attractive.”

“Maybe you get a kick out of it.” Barnett-Connelly sat forward. “Do you get an ego-boost when girls flirt with you?”

“I just do my job.”

“You must be the only man who doesn’t get flattered.”

Spyros let out a mirthless laugh.

“They were barking up the wrong tree, trust me.”

Barnett-Connelly paused. He was staring at Spyros as if he had never seen him before. Then he cleared his throat.

“Are you saying that you’re gay?”

“I am.” Spyros narrowed his eyes. “Have you got a problem with my sexuality, Sergeant?”

“Not at all. I’m just getting it for the tape for clarification.”

Did his eyes just darken? It must have been a trick of the light. Spyros leant forward.

“I am aware of beautiful women. I’m not blind. But it doesn’t do anything for me. They flirt with me, and it’s completely harmless. I throw the numbers away that they slip in between the notes for their drinks.”

“I see.” Barnett-Connelly was suddenly loosening his tie and collar. Now he was looking redder than before. “Do you…do you have a boyfriend?”

“You interested?”

He flushed even redder.

“Just answer the question, Mr Sipsis.”

Spyros found he was enjoying putting the policeman on the back foot.

“No, I don’t have a boyfriend. And I don’t have a stalker who’s taking out the competition, before you ask.”

“That’s good to know.” Barnett-Connelly coughed and squared his shoulders. “But you were one of the last people to see them alive, perhaps the last person. And you’re the common denominator.”

Spyros snorted.

“Clearly, I’m not, because I didn’t kill anyone. And I do object to be looked at as a serial killer.”

“That would depend if your alibis hold up. They’re being checked right now.”

“I hope they’re being checked.” Spyros wagged a finger, aware of Barnett-Connelly watching his finger sway. “Because I didn’t kill anyone.”

* * * *

One Month Later

“Spyros!” A dark-haired young woman in her twenties appeared in the doorway to the stock room, folding her arms impatiently. “Come on! You’re needed out here. What the fuck are you doing back there?”

“Just getting these crates sorted.” Spyros hoisted another box onto the pile. “The day shift left them in a state. I couldn’t find anything earlier.”

“Well, hurry up, will you? The ladies out there are looking for you.”

Spyros groaned. After what had happened with the police, he would prefer to stay out of sight as much as he was able to. His boss wasn’t impressed, but she understood. Even when news he had been interrogated about being the serial killer became local gossip, students flocked around him. There seemed to be an intense fascination with him.

Spyros had been cleared. He wasn’t the killer, and nobody else had died since he was released. The enthusiasm should have waned by now.

“I didn’t realize I was part of the revision process.”

Radhika laughed.

“They are revising. Just not with their studies.”

“I’ve noticed.” Spyros grinned. “With the way the males are around you, you might find yourself very warm tonight.”

Radhika stuck her middle finger up at him.

“Fuck you.”

“Get a cock and I’ll think about it.”

Radhika laughed again, slapping Spyros’ arm as he walked past her. Spyros ruffled her short hair, affectionately tugging on the spike through her ear. Radhika was a graduate, studying a master’s degree, and was more like a little sister to him. They were often paired together, and they were exceedingly popular. Radhika was pretty and vivacious, which had the guys flocking around her, and Spyros’ tattoos and imposing build had the girls swooning.

The bar was getting busy now. Happy hour was approaching, and students studying for their exams were taking time out to get drunk and have a good time. Suzanne and Tyler, their colleagues, had their hands full already; it wouldn’t take much for them to be swamped.

As they headed behind the bar, Radhika whistled.


“Get a look at that guy over there.” Radhika nodded towards the far end of the room, barely visibly in the flashing lights. “That’s one guy I would love to keep me warm in bed.”

“Which one?”

“Dark-haired hunk with the curls and the five-oh-clock shadow. Standing by the stairs talking to Annmarie.”

Spyros looked. And his heart sank before it somersaulted and stumbled, building to a speed that made him feel light-headed. It was dim lighting and the lights from the dancefloor were flashing madly, but he could see the man talking to their boss. It was Michael Barnett-Connelly.