Chapter 12

“I’m more important than the bastard who threw a brick through your window? I’m touched.”

“Shut the fuck up.” Spyros growled. He shook his head at the soggy socks in his hand. “The weather out there is awful, Barnett-Connelly.”

“Seeing as I’m barefoot in your house, shouldn’t you be calling me Michael?”

“This isn’t the time to be jovial. There’s no chance of you finding anyone out there.”

“Come on, Spyros, I know Buxton like the back of my hand. I grew up in the Dales. Snow storms aren’t a problem for me.”

“Not like this one.” Spyros gave Michael a hard look. “Would you want to freeze to death out there? Because I certainly don’t.”

“I’m made of stronger stuff.”

But even as he said it, Michael feel the shivering get worse. Spyros sighed.

“Now who’s being the cocky shit?”

“When did I say you were a cocky shit?”