Chapter 23

“I know.” He rested his chin on Michael’s shoulder. “People like her make sure we only see what they want us to see. The real person is never revealed unless pushed. And we pushed her.”

“I suppose.” Michael swallowed. He leant into Spyros. “She’s going to jail for a long time. And they don’t take it easy on police officers.”

“I know that.” Spyros’ tightened his arms. “It’s going to be a long time before it comes to trial, isn’t it?”

“Depending on the courts and how busy they are, probably.”

They were silent for a moment. Spyros moved around Michael to stand in front of him. He cupped Michael’s face in his hands, turning his head so Spyros could kiss him.

“You’re okay. She didn’t get you. And she didn’t get me.”

“That I’m glad about.” Michael put his hands on Spyros’ hips. His fingers tightened in his sweater. “Would you mind staying? I don’t want to impose…”

“You’re not.” Spyros kissed him again. “And I’m staying anyway. You won’t be getting rid of me that easily.”