Chapter 10

“Hey, Vince.”

Vincent glanced up at his best friend. “Yeah?”

“Remember what I told you. My parents will be thrilled to have you. You’ll always be welcomed at their house. Anytime.”

Vincent smiled at David. “I know. Thanks, man.”

“You’re welcome. See you again at lunch.”

“Sure. Later.”

Then David grinned and walked out from the office. Vincent stared at the door for a few seconds longer before focusing his attention back onto the screen of his laptop. However, he was unable to concentrate one hundred percent on his work. His mind kept drifting back to Anthony and their upcoming date. He hadn’t been entirely truthful to David earlier. He was serious about it being far too early to label Anthony as his boyfriend, but he liked the sound of that. Regardless, he preferred to be cautiously optimistic. As much as he would love to call Anthony his boyfriend, he thought he should take it easy and avoid wishing too hard on it. He would be less devastated if things went sour later on