Chapter 42

The haze darkened as Selati moved deeper into the battlefield. A clear route stretched out in front of him. Maybe it was the looming shadow of the Facility?

Caniean slinked into his path from the left, three of them and claret splashes littered their scales and skin in fantastic arcs. They all seemed to heave for breath in unison, spears dipping and rising with the movement of their bodies. They spotted him a moment later.

“Don’t go that way, it’s completely blocked off with humans,” one said. He had shimmering blue scales and pale brown flesh to match his short hair, much like Selati wore his. “And you can’t go forward, because that’s the cliff face.”

“I have to get back to the front.” Selati groaned in dismay. Somehow, he had ended up at the back of their army. “My friend needs a healer and my All is up there.”

The middle Caniean of the three jabbed his spear in the air, pointing the deadly weapon off to the right. “Then we need to go that way.”