Chapter 44

Cool metal slid against his scales. Selati took in the bright gleam of his spear, surprised. He looked behind him and the strange Caniean, the one who risked his life for the cloth Hedyi held to his shoulder, grinned.

“Thank you,” Selati whispered.

The Caniean didn’t respond with anything except a nod.

Dirt crunched at a distant, near constant staccato beat. Many footsteps. Many humans. Selati couldn’t count them and he couldn’t hear where they were coming from, the pain of his side a shriek in his head. It seemed like all around them.

“Ready?” Hedyi pick up his spear. “Take them by surprise, if you can.”

Selati breathed deep, the urge to gag on the scent of dirt and sickly sweet blood intense. His right hand tightened on his spear. Fear crossed his mind, that his grip on his weapon was too weak for a proper killing blow.

The shifting dirt sounds stopped in that strange double shuffle humans had.

“Now,” Hedyi breathed.