Chapter 13

“You were dying because you were heartbroken. Are you still, umm, heartbroken?”

“What? About that pig Kevin? No way.”

“Very well. But I’m so sorry. You might not be dying, but your body—it doesn’t fit the place where you live. You became very ill. It can happen again once you’re back there. I can’t tell how long you’d survive.” Ainsley looked down. Grief flooded into him. “I don’t want to find out.”

Silence. Only the faint sound of water around them filled the place.

“I miss my mother,” said Callum. Then, “Will you be happy for me?”


“If I go home?”

Ainsley choked. “Sure. Absolutely. I brought you here to stop you from dying. I want nothing but your health and wholeness. But if that’s what you want, I can’t say anything.”