“What?” he asked as he straightened and put up his free hand again.
“That’s your weapon? A little outdated shocker?” The man adjusted the gun. “No tranq rifle? No personal gun or handgun? No flash grenades?”
“Sorry if you were expecting more. I don’t like actually killing people.” Leander found it difficult to keep the upbeat expression on his face. This was definitely not going well. “And right now I’m really hoping you don’t either.”
The man eyed him, then gestured with a half nod. “Move over to that wall.”
Leander swallowed. The notion that he could be shot execution style and his body left in a cave on some random planet was not a comforting one. The pain in his head seemed distant now, but his stomach flopped harder. Halfway to the wall, his adrenaline surged and he turned back. “I want to face you.”
The guy looked confused, then surprise quickly covered the hardness. “I’m not going to shoot you unless you try anything.”