Leander did it for him. “Oh, because youmeant to be here. You weren’t out doing science in this, and you wouldn’t be hunting down poachers by yourself—don’t they run in groups of four at least?—so it looks like you got stuck out here, too.” Leander grinned, letting Eryx know that the man was seeing his displeasure. “What makes a guy like you walk off the job into a snowstorm? Get in a fight? Get rejected?”
“I was after the poachers. Yeah, alone. Yeah, I should’ve had someone to have my back. You ever spend too long in the same nine hundred square feet?”
“My ship’s about two-thirty livable space, including bridge.”
“With four other people?”
“And you don’t kill each other?” Leander almost looked impressed.
Eryx gestured around Base Four. “Five hundred, even sharing with you, is practically a vacation.”
“And I’m not even taking up that much space,” said Leander brightly.
“I’m not letting you up.”