On the rock wall, the image filled with motion beyond the falling snow. The poacher moved off, reappearing a few moments later with the first poacher. Between them, they carried the limp body of a snow leopard.
Eryx bit his lip as he watched. “That’s one of the younger ones. She doesn’t stand a chance on a pirate’s ship. Do they even know how to set the atmospherics right? Last time they were here, they didn’t take any sheep or other food. What do they feed them?”
“All right, come on.” Leander took Eryx by the shoulder and pushed him at the couch, then sat next to him. “Look, you know these bastards are dangerous. It’s sad, but it’s nothing we can do anything about.”
“How are theydoing that?” asked Eryx, pointing to one of the poachers as they touched their ear and spoke. “Transmissions are down. How are theycommunicating?”