Chapter 128

I didn’t respond to Clay’s details, hanging on his every word as if I were watching a television show.

“It turns out that Dunny Sting had an interest in his nephew and did some awful things to the boy. Nasty sexual events that had forced Evan to see a therapist. Evan confided in Myer as a therapist, although Myer didn’t have a psychiatric degree. Myer, in turn, confided in me and spilled everything he knew about Evan Sting.” Clay cleared his throat, blinked, and added, “I don’t know if this information is true or not, but this is what Myer told me. Of course we were drunk and doing meth at the time, but I still believed him, especially when Evan Sting was murdered on Shotner Hill. I haven’t told anyone except you two about this. And I hope you don’t get me involved if it comes to that. I didn’t know Evan Sting, but I think it was pretty shitty what happened to him, if you know what I mean.”