Chapter 144

“You have a concussion, sweetheart. You’re going to be fine, though.”

“Who tried to kill me? And what happened to the money?”

Nurse Ginger titled her head to the right and asked, “What money?”

He told her about the saddles he had sold to Chip Cutter and the cash that he had collected from the patron. “I didn’t want to leave that much money in the store overnight and was going to take it to the bank and make a night deposit, which is normal behavior for me.”

“So whoever did this to you knew that you had the cash, right?”

“I guess so. We should call the police because they need to be involved.”

“They already have a report of the incident, but they don’t have these new details. I can arrange for them to reach out to you if you’d like.”

He shook his head, which was uncomfortable, and said, “I’ll get a hold of them myself. Don’t worry about it. Just tell me when I can go home.”