Chapter 165

“You’re the only man I have ever fallen in love with.”

“Fallen in love,” Fargo repeated, unclear of what had just been passed to him from Chip.

Thunder rocked overhead and Chip squeezed his lover against him. “Yes. I’m in love with you. Why do you sound so surprised?”

Fargo swallowed more saliva down the back of his throat and he opened his eyes. Lightning zoomed across the heavens, spreading over Blue Coyote as if it had been created from a magician’s powerful wand. A smile formed across his face but Chip couldn’t see it because the bedroom they shared at Cutter Ranch was far too dark, even with the lightning bolts zigzagging beyond the windows. And then Fargo whispered, “I was going to say the same thing,” and kissed the cowboy.8: The Middle of September