“Let’s see, including you two an even dozen now,” Jude replied.
“That’s all?” Davie looked around. “Who has the rest of the cabins?”
“Maddox has one. So does Slade when he’s here. And then there’s—”
“Me,” someone said.
Davie turned and tried not to gasp. The man standing there was dressed in camouflage, had a rifle slung over one shoulder and a pistol in a holster at his waist. If that wasn’t enough to catch Davie’s attention, he was also tall and muscular, with dark hair tied back in a ponytail and piercing blue eyes. The fact that he looked to be in his mid to late thirties did not deter Davie from thinking he was as sexy as hell.
The man shook his head, saying with a trace of amusement, “You can stop staring like I’m the big, bad meanie, which I’m not. I’m harmless unless someone comes around looking to cause trouble for one of you. Then, well, these aren’t for show.” He tapped his weapons. “I’m Ran, by the way, short for Randal, and you are?”