“You trying to drown?” Vin called out when the current caught Davie, pushing him faster than he could swim against it. Seconds later Vin was in the water. He grabbed Davie’s arm, pulling him safely away from the fallen tree scant inches away.
Regaining his feet after Vin dragged him closer to shore, Davie took a deep breath. “Thanks. I guess that wasn’t my smartest move.”
“Not really. Damned good thing I was here or you’d dancing with the tree branches. They make a lousy partner.”
Davie bit back a laugh, even though he knew what Vin was trying to say. “That was almost poetic.”
“Yeah, well…” Vin waded back to shore with Davie right behind him.
Exhausted and suddenly scared when he realized what could have happened if Vin hadn’tbeen there, Davie dropped to his knees, taking in several shaky breaths.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, then Vin said, “Next time, don’t.”
“No kidding. Guess it comes from being a city boy. The only places I’ve swum were swimming pools.”