Chapter 34

“Ran said he wants the two of you at his cabin ASAP,” Grey said. He looked past Davie to Vin then gave Davie a knowing look. “Something you want to tell me?”

“Yeah. You’re being nosy.”

“This is me. Of course I am,” Grey replied with a grin. Then, after stepping inside, he asked quietly, “How did it go?”

“The good guys won,” Vin said, “and came out of it in one piece.”

“Mostly,” Davie amended. “I mean your ribs are only fractured, not shattered.”

“Smartass,” Vin muttered. “Grey, tell Ran we’ll be there in ten.”

“Will do.”

“I guess we’re in for a debriefing,” Davie said when Grey was gone.

“Not that we’ve got much to tell that Slade doesn’t already know.” Vin finished his sandwich then carefully got to his feet, taking the plate to the sink. Davie did the same then they headed out to see Ran.

* * * *