Chapter 36

“I’m all for that,” Vin agreed. “We’ll have to put the dresser in the living room to make room for it, but it’ll be worth it.”

“Tonight, and the hell with what anyone thinks.” Davie finally kissed Vin before stripping off their condoms. After he disposed of them, they got dressed and went to fix a late supper.

“Pills,” Davie reminded Vin, since his face was again lined with pain. “Then after we eat, you get to supervise while Grey and I being the bed over here.”

“Once I take the pills I can help.”

“Uh-uh. Remember what Ram said.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Sounding disgusted, Vin popped the pills, and when they finished supper they went to talk to Grey.

“You two could move in here,” Grey suggested.

Since they knew that Grey was aware of the other reason for the Encampment, Vin vetoed that. “If things go as planned, we won’t be here much longer, so why bother?”

“All right. But you’re supervising. No heavy lifting.”