
Chapter 6

“There’s a new crossing about half a mile up. This old one is closer, mostly gets foot traffic.”

“Foot traffic. Of the four-legged kind?”

“Yep.” Nate cautiously drove the Jeep over the boards.

Mitch braced himself, preparing to swim to shore if the planks gave way. Thankfully, that didn’t happen.

He found the trek interesting. Nate made for a decent tour guide, pointing out critters and habitats. They’d passed the small lion pride territory—real lions, not shifters or the winged variety. A large fence complete with gate separated that particular area from the one next door which catered to the wolves. Those, Mitch caught sight of rather easily. He’d guarantee a few of them were shifters, although which ones he couldn’t decide without some up close and personal sniffing. The point remained moot as Nate kept driving.