
Chapter 18

Damien was okay, for a wolf shifter. He seemed pretty carefree, just a go-with-the-flow kind of guy. But Mitch noticed something in the guy’s light green eyes that told of acute sharpness and observational skills. Mostly likely still a youngster, Damien was trying his proverbial wings out. Something told Mitch that Damien might not be there long. He had the heart of a predator and the attitude of all play until he decided to get serious. Then, all bets were off.

Rafael, another new person to Mitch, stood at the buffet for the longest time, seeming to pick out each and every piece with careful attention. Mitch never considered one pancake better than the other or a pineapple slice versus another. Rafael obviously took such decisions very seriously, much to the chagrin and exasperation of others. When someone tried to hurry him along, he barked. Barked.Not like a dog, but like a smaller animal, high-pitched and attention grabbing, though no less enthusiastic or snippy.