
Chapter 21

One concern held him back. Well, two. He didn’t know how much his stipend was and he didn’t know how he would cash his check.

“Paychecks, I can cash out here,” Charles offered as if reading Mitch’s mind. “The stipend is kept on the books.” He lifted an old-fashioned ledger in the air. “So, don’t worry about not having enough money.”

Relieved, Mitch dipped his head slightly in acknowledgement. “Thanks. I appreciate that.” He scanned the contents of the coolers once more before deciding on a large ham and a couple of dozen eggs. It would be a start, anyway. As an afterthought, he added a bag of frozen chicken breasts to his mental shopping list. Backtracking, he walked the couple of aisles of dry goods, collecting some canned vegetables, pancake mix, and bread. Those he set on the counter. “I’d like a ham, two dozen eggs, and a bag of those frozen chicken breasts, too.”

Charles tallied them up on the cash register. “Very good.”

Mitch pulled out his wallet.