Chapter 11

I opened my eyes and looked around, trying to find my surprise.

“Umm, V…”

“This is it!” She looked at me expectedly. “Where we first kissed, stupid,” she said and jokingly shoved me.

Now it made sense why we were underneath the bleachers at the high school. It was empty, quiet, and dark aside from the stars and moon’s light.

“Oh yeah. You mauled me like a tiger that night.” I gave her a little wink and she laughed.

“Oh shut up.” She kissed me hard, pushing me against the cold steel once again, in the exact same place as our first time. She pulled away from my lips, much to my dismay, but her next words almost made my legs buckle. “Do you want to get mauled again?” She smirked and I didn’t even have to respond—she knew my answer.