“Because of Satan’s contamination, Earth is a melting pot of both good and evil. We all expected God to destroy it, but instead he created a garden and called it Eden. It was so beautiful it almost hurt your eyes to look at it. The new world grew from the two lovers he magically created, giving them, and every human being that came after them, a free will to choose who they would follow, be it Satan or be it God.”
“I know the story well. It’s part of the training of underlings.”
With a thoughtful look on his face, the Demon Lord went on. “Did I ever tell you about the women of Earth? They were beautiful, and many of us mated with them. I found Judas’s mother down by a river. She was a bold, brassy little beauty, the daughter of a formidable old night merchant who sold his stolen wares by the light of the moon. After he died, she continued to sell by the roadside, using a band of outlaws to steal for her. Her name was Kira, and she was blonde like Judas.”