Chapter 32

Her husband was dark, Judas was blond.

The man she married had eyes of sapphire, Judas’s eyes are an electric green.

Her husband was a native of the south, Judas was from Hell!

* * * *

Judas’s eyes flew open with the sudden invasion of blinding light. He could feel the painful rays stab into his eyes as if trying to bore a hole into his brain. The assault caused him to squeeze his eyes closed again and bury his face in his pillow.

Where the hell was all this light coming from?

And then he remembered that he wasn’t in the woods. The recollection rushed into his mind with the needle-sharp prickle of a dagger, causing him to open one lid at a time carefully, very carefully.

The French doors were open, giving him a glimpse of a blue sky.

A bright,blue sky.