“Because of your stupidity, I have lost an important emissary, and you, a son!”
“Lost?” the Demon Lord squeaked out. “You mean…dead?”
“Worse than dead!” Satan shouted as he whirled on his heels, his red cape flying out around him. “He has been redeemed! His black soul has been washed clean in holy blood.” Satan cocked his head and cast him a smirking look. “Need I tell you whose?”
“Blood…you mean…it was pure? But he was a man who lived on Earth. There were women…Mary Magdalene, the most vile whore of his time, was thrown in his path. Even the women taken in adultery…my God, there were hundreds. How is it possible? His blood had to be corrupted!”
“As pure as a newborn babe,” Satan growled, throwing his hands into the air. “And now he has Judas!” His evil face crumpled in agony as he lamented his loss. “Judas, Hell’s bravest, most capable war hero lost to us, unfit for Hades!” His evil eyes shifted and burned into the Demon Lord. “And it’s yourfault!”