Chapter 68

“Your love of evil has defeated you, Lupercus. You’re not even worthy to kiss the feet of that backslidden priest whose identity you stole. I’m tired of it all. I’m tired of turning into an animal during every full moon. I’m tired of killing innocent people. I won’t be your toy anymore, Lupercus.” While speaking, she furtively reached over and grabbed a whip and lifted herself from straddling his body as she unfurled it. “Now the realfun begins,” she murmured as she backed away, giving herself more room.

Everything was silent. Lupercus knew he was about to die, and sheer black fright flooded him. “Someone help!” he sobbed like the coward he was, his gravelly voice growing louder and louder. “Satan! I command all the powers of darkness to come!” He waited, but there was no response. Not a rumble in the sky or a whirl of the wind. Instead the cool night air reeked of his own sickly, deathly odor of rotting souls sizzling in the depths of Hell.