“What about…?”
“Maybe you’d like a little cheese with your whine.”
Judas turned to see a troublemaker rear back and laugh at his own stupid joke, and turned to the bartender. “What’s his problem?”
“Jake’s drunk. Just ignore him. He’s got the mistaken notion that wine is a sissy drink.”
“Hey, Gertrude, is that curl in your hair natural, or do you roll it up every night so it’ll fall down real pretty over your big, broad shoulders?”
Judas’s teeth clenched in anger.
Not getting the expected rise out of Judas he had hoped for, the troublemaker looked over at his friend and said, “Hey, Clyde. Look at the color of this guy’s hair. Even my sister—”
Judas turned and grabbed the man at the collar. “Look, you bastard, I’ve had enough of your mouth. You either shut up or I’ll use that bald head of yours for a bowling ball.”