Chapter 5

I usually dressed in casual clothes for these sessions, then went straight to Manny’s when I was done since tutoring lasted until noon. I always carried a uniform shirt in the trunk to change into for work. As I sauntered toward my car in the school’s parking lot, I looked up and saw Julius walking Mr. Wrinkles near the park across the street. Man, he looked hot in a white muscle shirt and black cargo shorts that showcased long legs, the dark skin gleaming in the sun. He looked up as I crossed the street and smiled as he waved. I changed my direction and crossed the street to where he stood.

“Hi, Daniel,” he greeted me. “What are you doing here? I thought you’d be gone by now.” Mr. Wrinkles jumped up and down at my feet, refusing to be ignored.

“I tutor sometimes, remember?” I bent to pet the little pug bouncing around at my feet.