Chapter 3

He’d seen one now. One who’d stolen food for him, evidently.

The fairy retorted, “I doubt you can live on moonlight and elderflower wine. And I did pay. Was one gold noble sufficient, do you think? I could’ve left two.”

Eoan tried to inhale bread, coughed, and managed, “You might’ve just bought the entire tavern…”

“Oh.” Water-sapphire eyes considered this for a second or two, then visibly shrugged, setting the thought aside. “Would you like the gold, then? I have more.”

“You’re offering me money?”

“It’s not as if I use it. Better?”

“I think so.” His head was spinning, though at this point that was more to do with the overall situation and less about tiredness and hunger. “Go back to the part where you said abduction.”

“Was that not clear? You belong to me now.”

“Sorry,” Eoan said, and put the wine-skin down, very firmly. His lips tingled. Wild blueberries and dandelion ice lingered on his tongue. “I have people to go home to.”