Once more into the fray, me laddie, my inner pirate said. She won’t get you this time
My inner child smirked, and the blue lights and sirens followed us all the way into the emergency room entrance. I laid on the horn and got out, went around the car to open the door for her, but someone yelled, “Freeze, Asshole!” so I just stood by the back of the car and let her yell. She got the door opened on her own, and her screams filled the airwaves. I’d had to help her get in, and she was stuck and could not get out.
“What did you do to her!” someone shouted at me. And “Step away from the car!” and another, a third male voice, came from the door of the ER, saying, “It’s all right, miss, er, ma’am, we’ve got you,” and I saw her continue trying to force herself out the car door. Would they have to take it off its hinges? My poor car.
“Help!” she screamed.
I giggled and sang out, “Fatty, fatty, two by four, can’t get out the car’s side door!”