Kirk chuckled. “He will make it hard for them, that’s for sure. Is your mother living nearby?”
“Yeah.” He gestured toward the woods behind their houses. “She lives over at Birch Grove.”
“Perhaps we should inform her too. How no one has discovered her is beyond me, but I know many who’d want to meet her. Not only is she a potential mate, but she’s also given birth to one litter continuing the bloodline. It might be hard to believe, but cats are big on genetics, she’ll be revered.”
“Litter?” Mom had given birth to two babies, not a litter.
“Ah…yeah. We’re almost always born as twins or triplets, and so are the potential mates. Had your father stayed with your mother and given her more children she’d likely have another pair of twins.” Kirk had a wistful look on his face, but it made Felix frown. He remembered the man in the restaurant, the one who’d growled when he’d talked about how their father had walked out on his mother. “Mom…Mom’s a…how do you know it isn’t my dad who—”