It only took a moment before my brain engaged. I floundered in the water. “Ow, dammit, crap, Luke, help, I’ve got cramps in my leg.” While still flapping around I glanced to see Luke stand, a concerned look on his face.
“Coming Dan, try to relax and use your arms to keep your head up.” His dive was graceful, I’d bet Olympic quality. I kept up my motions until his strong arms wrapped around my chest. “I’ve got you, baby. Relax if you can and lay back. I’ll tow us to shore.”
I gulped a deep breath, surged upward before submerging. It was easy to grab the waistband of his shorts and take them with me deep below Luke’s scissoring legs to keep his head above water. Breaking the surface, I twirled his shorts above my head before launching them off in the direction where mine had disappeared. “Oops, I guess I panicked. I’m so sorry, Luke.”