Chapter 6

“Really?” I said, contemplating the bottle in my hand. It was half gone. I didn’t remember the ones between number two and this one.

“Yeah, really,” the deep voice responded. “Which is maybe why you’re talking out loud?”

“Probably,” I agreed with a grin. “But it’s late, and I should go home.”

I stood and wobbled, grateful for the hand that caught my elbow and kept me from pitching face-first into the table. Once I got my feet under me again, I turned to thank the man who had helped. But the words dried up when I found myself looking at Lucas.

“Gotta go,” I mumbled, reaching into my pocket.

His hand shot out and clamped down on my wrist, keeping me from pulling out my hand. His deep blue eyes narrowed accusingly, and he leaned forward to harshly whisper, “You cannot drive like this.”