Chapter 8

I blinked at him. “Seriously. Who are you?”

“You need to sleep,” Lucas said instead of answering me. I let him guide me toward my room, and the moment I saw my big, fluffy bed, I breathed a sigh of relief. Oh, lying down would be so awesome right now. I pulled away from Lucas, stumbled the two steps to the foot of the bed, and collapsed on the mattress, my feet hanging off the end. It took me a couple of moments to get my limbs coordinated enough to crawl up its length, but as soon as my head was near the pillow, I turned over onto my back and sighed contentedly.

I couldn’t sleep in my jeans, because they were already pulling uncomfortably at my balls. I had trouble with the button and zipper, but I managed to get them open and started sliding them off. It was hard work, and I was panting by the time I got them to my thighs. Lucas made a choked sound.

I scowled. “I’m wearing underwear. You aren’t going to be scarred by seeing my junk flopping around.”