Chapter 30

“Well, then.” What else could I say?

Dan gave a low whistle. “The shit’s going to hit the fan. The media is going to go crazy, the supportive fans are going to go fucking insane with glee, and the right wing is going to blow a gasket.”

“We knew that was coming,” MA said with an indifferent shrug. “They won’t care that a serial killer is hacking people into little bits and displaying their entrails. What they are going to get angry about is two men kissing. How stupid is that?”

“Pretty damn stupid,” I responded, and Dan made a murmur of agreement.

Lucas was suspiciously quiet. When I gave him a nudge, he shook his head and his eyes cleared. “Come on. We’ve got work to do.”

He turned and walked away. I wasn’t having that. I wanted to know what was going on in his head. I followed him right to his dressing room and shut the door behind me. He was staring at the far wall, his fist clenched at his sides.
