Chapter 52

“No,” I said quietly but firmly. I saw that split second where his face started to fall, the hope in his eyes dying, and I was quick to continue. “You should come back to my place. No paparazzi, a hell of a lot more peaceful, and a hell of a lot closer. There are some things we need to discuss, don’t you think?”

A heartbeat passed. Then two. Then Brandon sucked in a great breath, letting it out slowly. He did it one more time, then he turned to look at me, his face serene. “Yes, sir.”


Without a second’s hesitation, I pointed the vehicle toward home.

* * * *

I’d been especially cautious on the way home to make sure we hadn’t been followed. Though I was certain we hadn’t, I nevertheless ushered Brandon into the house once we arrived. I was self-aware enough to recognize that it wasn’t all protectiveness. I was anxious, excited even, to get him into my bed.