Chapter 100

For a few seconds, there was stunned silence. Then activity broke out all over, people running around, and Marc Bergman, producer and showrunner, bursting onto the set and taking control. I was aware of it only on the periphery. I couldn’t get anything to make sense. My heart was pounding in my ears. Oh my God, what was wrong with Vincent? Was he going to be okay? I needed to get out of here. I needed to get to the hospital and find out if my lover was all right.

“Hold on,” Aaron murmured in my ear, holding me tightly. I tried to shake him off, to move, but he was stronger than he looked. “Just wait, Dan. Lucas is finding out what he can. Keep it together for just a few more minutes.”

I listened because I had to. But that barely kept the panic at bay. When Lucas walked back to where we were sitting, I grabbed his arm. He gripped my shoulder and bent just enough so that he could look me in the eye.