Chapter 153

I’d just settled onto the couch and brought up Netflix on my huge TV, when the doorbell rang. I abandoned my search for something suitable to watch and went to answer it. I’d learned a long time ago to check who was there before opening the door. Although I didn’t have reporters or photographers showing up so much since I’d moved to Los Feliz, it still happened occasionally. And when it did, I was invariably wearing something ratty. As I was tonight. I padded on bare feet into front hall, vowing to myself that if I didn’t know who was on the other side, I wasn’t answering.

It took me seconds to recognize Spencer’s face, and I fumbled the deadbolt as I tried to get it to turn. Finally I pulled the door open.

“What are you doing here?” The words came out of my mouth without thought.

Spencer just grinned hugely and took a step forward. “I wanted to see you. Can I come in?”