Chapter 6

Rowan turned back to the airlock where Muldoon waited. When he beckoned, the NCO pushed the release and stepped out into the bay. “What have we got, sir?”

“Damned if I know,” Rowan replied. “Guy looks like a normal standard human type. How he managed to survive this high above the planet is a mystery to me. No oxygen, no protective gear, nothing. Craziest thing I ever saw.”

He glanced at Muldoon. The red-headed spacer’s face reflected his amazement. “Crazy is right. Damn near impossible, if you ask me.”

“Where he came from with this jerry-rigged machine beats me,” Rowan continued. “Far as I know there isn’t anyone hanging out on these little planets unless the Angevires just established a colony. Someoneshould’ve been aware of it if they did. Or maybe we are now. Give me a hand and we’ll carry the guy up to sick bay. Doc can go over him, be sure he is human and fix him up if he suffered some damage from his travels. Then maybe we can interrogate him.”