Chapter 10

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I closed the door and leaned against it, seeing the defeat and resignation in Wayne’s facial expression. He stared at the floor now, avoiding my gaze. I noticed briefly that our brothers had disappeared, leaving us alone for the moment.

“I’m sorry you had to witness that,” he murmured.

I scoffed. “Please. Jermaine is an ass of the highest order. A user. It will never be about anyone but him in a relationship. He did you a favor, in my opinion, by tossing you out when he did.”

The anger in Wayne’s voice was expected. “Are you saying I deserved being thrown out by a man I thought I’d love for the rest of my life? That I thought would be my rock, my anchor and nothing would come between us?”

“No, I’m not,” I replied. “I’m just saying you’re better off without him, however it happened.”