Chapter 18

“I know.” Adam sighed as they both started walking again.

A bicyclist rang a bell to let them know he wanted more of the sidewalk so Jojo stepped two steps over. “It’s a very socially conservative country. No gay marriage, no gay adoptions. It’s the influence of almost five hundred years of Spanish Catholicism. Ironic that Spain is now more progressive than we are.”

When they reached the embassy employee entrance for Adam, they stopped. “I don’t know if I’m to shake your hand or what now.”

“Friends are allowed to hug,” Jojo said as he embraced Adam. Before Adam was released from the embrace, Jojo kissed him softly on the cheek.

“We’re getting a little cheeky, now, huh?” Adam laughed.

“I don’t think anyone saw that,” Jojo said.

“No one but the security cameras here,” Adam said, pointing to one installed over the corner of the building.