Chapter 64

As they came to a clearing of rocks in water, dolphins dove in and out of water. “Maraming isda,” the boy on his shoulders said to Jojo, moving his hand to point.

“Yes, lots of fish,” interpreting what the boy said. They stood there in deep water for several minutes, allowing the boys to try to push each other off Adam or Jojo’s shoulders. But, when the water started coming over Jojo’s face, he told Adam, “I think high tide is coming in.”

“Okay, boys, let’s head back in to shallower water.” Adam and Jojo walked closer to the shoreline and when the water was shallow enough for the kids, they jumped off and laughed.

Adam laughed, too, for no apparent reason other than the kids were laughing. The boys sprayed water on Adam. Before they left to go home, the quieter of the two, the one who had been on Jojo’s shoulders, touched Adam’s hair. They giggled and ran away.