Chapter 77

Adam shook his head. “No, I guess not.”

“I mean it sounds like Jojo is the one for you by the way you talked both our ears off on the drive back, so seeing your ex shouldn’t be a big deal.”

“Okay, I’ll take a shower. But when you get back, we need to look at jewelry options. I want to buy an engagement ring so I can propose to Jojo. I’m thinking about doing by Skype or Facetime.”

His grandfather furrowed his brow. “Am I hearing this right, you want to propose by video? I may not be the most romantic man, according to your grandma, but son you’ve got to do it in person.”

“Let’s talk about it when we get back,” she said. “I want to get to Mr. Lee’s store before he closes.”

“Okay.” Adam followed his grandparents to the door. Craig was there. With a six pack of 805 blonde ale beer.

“Hey,” Craig said. “Leaving?”

“Yes, we’ll be right back,” she said.

“Come on in,” Adam said.

Craig eyed the couch. “I thought there was a spare bedroom.”