I looked at the card rather balefully now. “The Hermit.” And now it seemed to represent my entire current life situation all in a single card.
“Also, as I said, sage, or shaman, or monk. Contemplation, wisdom, you know.”
“Wisdom?” I tried to think of that. What? I was becoming wise? What a joke!I knew no more now than I ever did. It was the Hermit aspect that seemed significant. I covered my eyes with my hands and leaned back in my chair, groaning quietly.
“Well,” I said at last, lowering my hands. “I suppose it fits, especially the Father Time bit. Aging and all that.”
The woman shook her head slightly. “I suggest you don’t go down that path. It doesn’t help the reading.”
I nodded. “Okay. What then?”
“Well, the Hermit indicates a state of drawing inward, seeking wisdom, quieting yourself, looking for answers inside yourself, the desire to understand.”
The woman picked up the card and placed it next to the four cards in the staff, and then looked at me.