WebNovelThe Fool52.08%

Chapter 25

Pat nodded, and appeared to be considering.

“Well, I suppose there are two options—or three. First, you could just go with it, take what the Tarot reading said as meaning something. Second, you could investigate it, like that nine business. And third, you could just ignore it. Live your life.”

“Life? What life?” I muttered, and immediately felt chagrined. I looked up guiltily at Pat, who was shaking her head.

“You,” she said, lighting another cigarette, “for all of your intelligence, are a very silly person.”

I groaned inwardly, but still wanted to know what she meant. “How so?”

“You take yourself waytoo seriously.”

“Oh.” She had told me that before. I closed my eyes and hung my head. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I can’t help it, I guess.”

When I raised my head and looked at her, I was slightly surprised to see that Pat was nodding.