WebNovelThe Fool79.17%

Chapter 38

I was sitting in my car, still shaking with anger but having finished shedding tears of pain and outrage, when there came a tap on the window. I looked and saw Zvika was standing outside. I rolled down the window and we regarded each other in silence for a little while.

“What?” I snapped, when his silence had become irritating.

“You think you’re okay to drive, Keith?”

I breathed in sharply through my nose, closed my eyes, and exhaled slowly. Then I nodded.

“Because, if you don’t think you are—”

I stared out the front windscreen for a couple of seconds, feeling my anger still simmering. Then I shrugged and opened the car door.

“It’s all yours,” I said, and went around to the passenger door.

I seated myself while Zvika adjusted the driver’s seat. Then, without comment or even looking at me, he started the car and we pulled out.

For maybe twenty minutes we drove in silence. I calmed down slowly. And then, thinking about my behavior, I cringed. I wasn’t someone who liked scenes.