“Then I’ll go home. I’m not taking your bed.” I tried to sit up, but he placed a firm, warm hand on my chest. I could have moved, since he wasn’t holding me down exactly, but it would have been a struggle and that could tear my brand new stitches.
“It’s not taking if I give it to you. Now lie down, or I’ll tie you down.”
I sighed heavily, giving in. But only because I was suddenly too tired to do anything else. “Empty promise, that.”
Holden sucked in a sharp breath through his nose. “Jesus, kid.”
“Not a kid,” I spat, closing my eyes. I was done with this. I’d just sneak out after I got my strength back.
The mattress dipped, and I felt Holden loom over me. I cracked open my eyes enough to see his expression. There was confusion there, but also heat. And something else I couldn’t name.