Wade’s eyes narrowed. “What’s going on? Sawyer, baby, weren’t you going to talk to your parents again today?”
I gaped, then grinned. “I both love and hate that you remembered that. I was trying to pretend everything was fine, and I wasn’t going to talk about it. But you had to go and be thoughtful and remember, and now I haveto talk about it.”
Wade’s expression softened. “You don’t have to.”
I nodded, even though it was clear Wade absolutely meant that. “I do! Because you care. You want to know. You remembered and you knew just by our tone that everything wasn’t perfect, and you’re worried and I need to tell you everything.”
Preston laughed and I elbowed him. He thought my rambling was funny, always had. Wade didn’t always know what to do with me when I got like this, but he was learning, and I loved that more than I could say.