Chapter 21

Pad shook his head. He’d had enough of peanuts and peanut dishes.

“God, that’s all they have, huh?” Wayne commented. “Peanuts, pretzels and drinks?”

Pad laughed. “Yup. Sorry, I should have asked if you wanted my allotment.”

“Thanks. So tell me about Tampa. How is it? How’s MacDill?”

“Well, I haven’t been to MacDill since I was a kid. Usually every year they had an open house for an air show, and for a few years, my aunt would take me. Tampa’s pretty cool, you’ve got beaches, football, and hockey. Do you like sports?”

“Yeah. Actually I like basketball. Football’s okay, my whole family follows the Broncos, but it’s not the sport I like.”

“Hey, you know, I can show you around Tampa at least until you get your bearings.”

“Wow—hey—that would be cool. Except I don’t have wheels yet; that’s one of the first things I need to do.”

“Hey, I don’t mind. Actually, it would be kind of good, keep me out of trouble.”