Chapter 23

He stepped around and caught Alberto on the computer. “Hey, Alberto, are you on Facebook with Pad?”

Alberto nodded. Alberto took over many of Pad’s duties but although he seemed competent enough, he wasn’t Pad.

“Is it under his full name, or his nickname, or what?”

“Let me look, sir,” Alberto said in a slight east L.A. accent. Alberto cleared his window and logged on to Facebook. “It’s under Paddy, then his last name.” RJ caught his look. He didn’t care if Alberto questioned why an officer would want an enlisted’s Facebook page.

It’s not his business or the Air Force’s

RJ returned to his computer. He didn’t hesitate to log on to Facebook. In the last two days since he returned to Saudi, after he overcame his anger towards Pad, he evaluated his feelings. He still didn’t know how to describe what he felt, but he did miss him.